Justin-Robert Mabiala Kenzo, Ph. D. (théologie)

Kenzo Justin-Robert

Chargé de cours en théologie

Professeur associé à la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval

Parcours académique

Doctor in Theological Studies (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) Illinois (USA), 1998.
Titre de la thèse :The Dialectic of Sedimentation and Innovation: A Study in Paul Ricoeur's Philosophical Hermeneutics with Implications for an African Theological Discourse

Master of Divinity (Canadian theological Seminary) Saskatchewan, Canada, 1986.
Titre du mémoire : Toward a Hermeneutical Approach in African Theology.

Autres engagements

Directeur de l'Alliance chrétienne et missionnaire au Québec (ACMQ)
Membre de l'Église Oasis de l'ACMQ

Publications et contributions

« L’impératif hérétique : autour de la question problématique de la différence en théologie Africaine » in Diathèkè 3/1 (2015) : 45-62

« Entre tradition et modernité : vers une identité Kongo postcoloniale » in Congo-Monde 2 (2014): 45-63

«Body, Embodiment, and A. B. Simpson’s Teaching on Divine Healing» in Advancing the Vision: The Four-fold Gospel in Contemporary and Global Contexts, ed. Bernie Van De Walle and Charles W. Nienkirchen, Eugene, Or., Wipf and Stock Publishers, forthcoming.

«The Future of Evangelical Theology” in An Age of the Empire: Postfoundational and Postcolonial» in Evangelicals and the Empire (Brazos, 2008).

«Evangelical Faith and (Postmodern) Others» in A New Kind of Conversation (Paternoster, 2007)

«Religion, Hybridity, and the Construction of Reality in Postcolonial Africa» in Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 33/3 (2004): 244-68.

«Thinking otherwise about Africa: poscolonialism, postmodernism, and the future of african Theology» in Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 31/4 (2002): 323-41.

"Blood of Christ" in Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. Glen Scorgie (Zondervan, 2011)

"Creativity" in Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. Glen Scorgie (Zondervan, 2011)

"Good Works" in Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. Glen Scorgie (Zondervan, 2011)

"Reconciliation" in Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. Glen Scorgie (Zondervan, 2011)

"Spirituality of Primal Religions" in Zondervan Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. Glen Scorgie (Zondervan, 2011).

Cours enseigné(s) à l'ETEQ

THL-1007 Dieu Trinité