THL-2115: Bible and Mission in the Quebec Context (3 crédits)
Equivalent to: Bible et mission en contexte québécoisTitre UL: Bible and Ministry
This missiology course explores the ways and challenges of communicating the good news of Jesus Christ in such a way that it paints a clear and winsome picture of who Jesus is and of the new life he offers. This challenge is increasingly difficult in a “post-Christian” culture such as we find in Québec today. With the influx of new Quebeckers, the evangelical church in Québec is now a kaleidoscope of cultures and traditions. The historic anglophone population has also had a steady but small evangelical presence over the generations. These evangelical communities all face significant barriers as they reach out to those culturally near, whether it be the Haitian population, the Chinese, the Hispanic, the Burundian or the historic anglophone community. This course brings to light a number of these issues affecting outreach in the Quebec context today.
One of the greatest challenges all Québec evangelicals face, and a particular focus of this course, is the “contextualisation” challenge of reaching the historic francophone population in Québec. Culturally distinct, deeply influenced by secularization and profoundly shaped by a radical break with its Catholic past, the Québec francophone population has proved resistant to the message of the gospel, particularly in the last 20 years. Helping students rise to the contextualization challenge of reaching both this francophone majority and other Quebecers with a renewed sense of purpose, and with some clearer thinking and deeper biblical and theological rooting, is the over-arching goal of this course.
N.B.: THL-2115 or THL-2014
Your Lecturer (Montreal)