In addition to adhering to the confessions of Faith produced by the Oecumenical Councils of the Early Church, every ETEQ teacher personally signs on to one of the following more recent confessions of Faith. The first two belong to the school’s founding Church families that continue to oversee it spiritually and guide it in its mission. A link will take you to the appropriate documents.
Confession of Faith (brief edition) of the Mennonite Brethren of Canada
Confession of Faith of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
Confession of Faith of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
You can also get an idea of the Church affiliation and implication of each member of our Faculty.
ETEQ’s position - on the status and authority of Scripture
Our Faculty has produced and support their own statement on the Holy Scriptures:
Christ is the ultimate revelation of God who also revealed Himself through the Bible which bears witness to Christ. God guided the shaping of the biblical books and of the Canon. All Scripture, Old and New Testaments, are inspired by the Spirit of God. All of the Bible is the Word of God for the people of God. Today, God still speaks to his people through Scripture. The Bible is the truth and fully worthy of our trust. It is the ultimate and final authority on matters of faith, thought and practice. Every confession of Faith, creed, tradition or teaching must seek to take hold of and explain biblical truth.
Divine inspiration does not mean that the authors of the Bible did not call upon their own intelligence, mental abilities and other resources. We also recognize the use of literary genre as well as literary and historiographical conventions that may differ from those in use today because they were anchored in the culture in which the Bible was composed.
The Bible does not only bear witness to revelation (even though it does that); The Bible is itself revelation. God makes himself known through the Bible. It was given by God to his people «to make them wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus » and to be « useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. » (2 Timothy 3:15-17)
Therefore, we approach Scripture with confidence and submissiveness. We receive and even celebrate the authority of Scripture and commit to follow Christ in their light.
October 2015