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A word from our President - Seeking Wisdom

One day, and we pray soon, there will be a Jesus-following church within the reach of every francophone, whether in Quebec, Haiti, Congo, Ivory Coast or anywhere French is spoken. 

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. 
Prov 4:7, NKJV

There is no doubt that the ultimate wisdom comes from God, through Jesus Christ. And God`s Spirit is revealed through his followers and servant leaders. And for that reason, ETEQ invited many of those who share our vision to participate in a Finance Summit on February 15, 2017. The goal was to seek wisdom, council and ideas of how, now that we are a united school under a new identity and Board, we can put in place the financial infrastructure for a sustainable future. 

Despite the snowy weather, 18 people attended from across Canada and Quebec, including the Executive Directors of CCMBC and C&MA, pastors, donors, and ETEQ board members. While the day was led in French, translation was generously offered by Ginette Bastien (Rolland).

It was a day filled with discovery, camaraderie, affirmations and fresh ideas. As we complete our evaluation of all the ideas and implement the priorities that will be selected, you will hear more. 

In the meantime, please join me in thanking God for the 85 students taking 140 courses this winter and the potential to Kingdom-building that these precious disciples represent. 

Please pray for fruit to come in the form of fresh and sustainable financial support, continued blessings for those who have walked this journey of renewal with us, and most of all, that God’s name will touch the nations through our students, graduates, staff and faculty.

Kristen Corrigan